Tag: Best Life

My Name In Print

Months ago it seems I was approached by this wonderful woman in our area to write an article for her magazine.  Kathy, a friend, started and runs a woman’s ministry called Best Life Ministry.  She is based out in Western Minnesota but will travel to put on weekend retreats which can change lives.

So we are back to this past summer.  I was asked to write an article about being a hard of hearing mother that is a woman of faith.  Ok that title fits me now to get the words to paper.  This was mid summer and as any mom knows summers with kids are nuts.  We have swimming, camps, playmates, vacations and company.  I knew this article would be shoved back to the back recesses of my brain and the deadline date would come and go.  I sat down that night and thought and prayed and typed.  I typed just the surface of what it is like.  I talked about when my hearing took a dive, how I felt and how I reacted.  I was used to a mild loss I had since what I believe was childhood but was confirmed by an audiologist in my late teens.  This was a whole different game.  I was lost and confused, I literally felt like I was drowning.  I wrote these feelings down and how they relate to me being a mom.  I feel it is all related, how can it not be.  It doesn’t have to be a bad or negative thing but it is me.

I didn’t forget about the magazine but when months past it isn’t in the immediate present and other life things fill these spaces.  Last week I was presented a copy of the magazine.  Oh My Gosh to see my name in print was breath taking.  I couldn’t believe it.  I felt numb I didn’t know what to think or do.  It was so cool.  I actually thought back to 5th grade.  I had written a short story and it was published in a book that was a collection of short stories and poems by other Minnesota young artists.  At that time I was invited to the St Paul Landmark Center and read my story.  It was an awesome experience.  Just like this was seeing my name in print on glossy paper that held my words and my thoughts.  I am so thankful for being able to share.


I pray that my words may touch one person.  They may not be hard of hearing or deaf but have another life challenge they are dealing with at this time.  I pray they can see that there is support out there.  A challenge isn’t a bad thing.  It can propel you to do great things.  It is who you are.

I love to write, I admit I may not be great at it but I love it.  I tend to be a shy person but I am really trying to be more outgoing but writing I don’t feel the need to hold back.  My feelings, fears, and dreams can be written down and I can choose to share them or not.  They are my words.  I hope I will have some more chances to write in the future.  I love this blog so this won’t be going away.  I was asked last month to write an article or two for a nationwide newsletter that deals with hearing.  I responded a big YES to the editor so I will see what comes to be.  To write makes my soul feel free.  To get out was was harbored is a feeling of freedom that I don’t take for granted.  What I do here many people don’t have the right to do.  We are lucky, very lucky indeed.

Have a blessed day and find a place your name can be in print.  It may not be in the ink of a paper but the handshake of a neighbor you helped, or the nail you pounded on a project.  We can all make a difference and leave our mark somehow, somewhere.